Spiro Health and Wellness

Grocery Shopping Trip

Supercharge Your Grocery Shopping

Citric acid, natural flavors, and fiber-enriched – those all sound healthy, right? But are they really? 

What most people don’t know is that these unhealthy ingredients are found in many “healthy” looking products. This is partly why it’s so hard to eat well! But this is where I can help. 

I want to teach you how to get the best bang for your buck (for your health and your wallet) when it comes to shopping for food. Join me for a grocery shopping trip where I’ll teach you all of my secrets

Cassidy Gundersen | Spiro Health and Wellness

How It Works

On Tuesday, October 26 at 7pm in Utah County, I’ll be going grocery shopping and I want you to join me! Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to know if produce is organic or not
  • How to know if a package is healthy or not
  • Secrets on how to save money


The cost is $20, and I will email you the location before the trip, so make sure you check your emails!


Shopping Trip Signup
Price: $20.00