Spiro Health and Wellness
Nutritionist, Health Coach, Author, Speaker

Hi! I'm Cassidy

I teach people how to reverse DISEASE with DIET.

I know what it is like to suffer from debilitating disease. Now, I help people learn how to take control of their health and find a better way to live!

Cassidy Gundersen | Nutritionist | Health Coach

How Spiro Came To Be

I’ll be honest, health was never really my thing. In fact, I (like many teenagers) lived on hostess snacks and Dr. Pepper in my younger years. And that’s not just an exaggeration.

Eventually, my lifestyle caught up with me, and my body became racked with disease and pain. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease; I was pre-diabetic, pre-lupus, pre-arthritic; I had chronic kidney stones, adrenal fatigue, and patellar tendonitis. I was convinced I was going to die young, which was terrifying because I was only in my early twenties. I wanted to believe that there was a natural path to healing that didn’t involve drugs, but I didn’t know where to look. 

That’s when I decided to go back to school (my undergrad was in political science) to try and figure out this whole diet thing. It was in my schooling that I discovered IT IS possible to reverse sickness and disease with the proper diet! So, I put it to the test. I went on a two week trial and felt the best I ever have. I joke with people that I’m still on that two week trial because I have never looked back. 

Then, people started asking me for nutritional advice, so I figured I might as well make it official and try to help as many people as possible. That’s when I started Spiro Health and Wellness (pronounced Spih-row). The name comes from the Latin word spiro which translates: to breathe life into. I want to help breathe new life into as many people as I can by helping them eat healthier! 

Here's What I Can Help With

Cassidy Gundersen | Nutritionist | Plant-Based Health Coach

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